A ‘standing ovation for Scott Dureau’ in Round 1.
That’s what the loyal nib Newcastle Knights supporters are hoping to do.
An event page has been created on Facebook, calling on the fans to show their love for Dureau during the season opener against Cronulla.
The event says; ‘In support of past Newcastle Knights player and current u20s coach Scott Dureau, we encourage everyone to stand up and join us in a standing ovation in the 7th minute of our round one clash. It is the least we can to show our support as he battles cancer.’
Dureau is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

The Facebook event is gaining traction with more than 300 people planning on engaging in the action and another 300 registering their interest.
NRL.com and the Newcastle Herald have also publicised the fan driven initiative.
You can register for the ovation on Facebook here!